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Happy new year?

Charles Abbott

Is this a happy time of year? Well, I suspect that might depend on your perspective. If you see the new year as a clean slate and an opportunity for a fresh start, motivating you to leave behind bad habits and adopt healthy new ones, that could indeed be a positive step forward.

If, however, all you can see is someone's foot in your face as you struggle to get a glimpse of what your Pilates teacher is doing, I would posit that as a less happy start to the year.

Yes, this is the time when gyms and the like try to sign up as many New Year's Resolutionists as possible, irrespective of whether they can (ahem) fit them all in. The overcrowded studios get hot, the people get cross and the changing rooms have a distinct air of damp towels and mildew.

Happily, there's an alternative. 

One of the many benefits of online Pilates classes is that you are guaranteed a front-row position. You can do it all from your own lovely warm home, with no need to venture out. You'll see everything and there's no risk of someone plonking themselves down in front of you at the last minute; no skirmishes with the great unwashed.

So, for a happy new Pilates year, why not join me at one of my online classes. You can find full details and book a class on the online classes page of my website by clicking here.

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